
Book now

We are always available for any questions and additional information you want to know about the accommodation and accompanying facilities. Contact us via e-mail at, which is also one of the ways to book your accommodation, while you can also secure your stay through the calendar on our website, where you can clearly see available dates. Welcome to the beauties of Istria!

Villa Arman & Villa Edoardo
08.06. – 07.09. minimum 7 nights (exclusively from Saturday to Saturday).
For the rest of the year, a minimum of 4 nights.

Villa Faloniga
15.04. – 15.05. minimum 5 nights.
15.05. – 15.09. minimum 7 nights.


    +385 99 733 03 91
    +385 91 574 04 98
    Narduči 5, 52447 Vižinada
    Istria, Croatia

    Villas Arman

    Narduči 5, 52447 Vižinada, Istria, Croatia
    +385 99 733 03 91
    Villas ArmanTripAdvisor